Total Power Data

Retrieving and Viewing a Total Power Scan

Single beam total power (TP) data is retrieved using gettp() which returns a GBTTPScan total power scan object that is used to calibrate and average the data. First, import the relevant module

>>> from dysh.fits.gbtfitsload import GBTFITSLoad
>>> import wget
>>> import numpy as np

Download the data from GBO

>>> filename ="")
>>> print(filename)


The data used for this tutorial is ~800 MB. Make sure you have enough disk space and bandwidth to download it.

Then load your SDFITS file containing TP data. In this example, we use a GBT SDFITS file downloadable from GBO

>>> sdfits = GBTFITSLoad(filename)

The returned sdfits can be probed for information

No.    Name      Ver    Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
  0  PRIMARY       1 PrimaryHDU      12   ()
  1  SINGLE DISH    1 BinTableHDU    245   6040R x 74C   ['32A', '1D', '22A', '1D', '1D', '1D', '32768E', '16A', '6A', '8A', '1D', '1D', '1D', '4A', '1D', '4A', '1D', '1I', '32A', '32A', '1J', '32A', '16A', '1E', '8A', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '8A', '1D', '1D', '12A', '1I', '1I', '1D', '1D', '1I', '1A', '1I', '1I', '16A', '16A', '1J', '1J', '22A', '1D', '1D', '1I', '1A', '1D', '1E', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1A', '1A', '8A', '1E', '1E', '16A', '1I', '1I', '1I']

You can also print a concise (or verbose if you choose verbose=True) summary summary() of the data

>>> sdfits.summary(show_index=True)
0  152.0  NGC2415   3784.0  OnOff      1.0  1.617185  1.420406    5     2   151      1  286.218008   41.62843
1  153.0  NGC2415   3784.0  OnOff      2.0  1.617185  1.420406    5     2   151      1  286.886521  41.118134

Retrieve a scan, selecting and IF number and polarization


For each scan in the summary dysh shows the mean of the VELOCITY, RESTFREQ, DOPFREQ, AZIMUTH and ELEVATIO columns, while GBTIDL reports the value of the first integration for a scan. If you use verbo se=True in dysh you get all the integrations.

>>> tpscan = sdfits.gettp(scan=152, ifnum=0, plnum=0)

The GBTTPScan contains the individual integrations. The system temperatures per integration are calculated from the CALON and CALOFF data

>>> print('%s' % (np.array2string(tpscan.tsys, precision=2)))
[17.46 17.47 17.51 17.48 17.27 17.24 17.43 17.51 17.36 17.41 17.27 17.36
 17.28 17.31 17.15 17.   17.54 17.21 17.4  17.38 17.49 17.43 17.15 17.2
 17.45 17.15 17.31 17.31 17.1  17.48 17.29 17.24 17.52 17.31 17.19 17.1
 17.35 17.14 17.38 17.48 17.22 17.5  17.33 17.27 17.41 17.2  17.48 17.21
 17.37 17.47 17.25 17.18 17.25 17.17 17.14 17.36 17.25 17.28 17.25 17.19
 17.36 17.14 17.48 17.17 17.36 17.43 17.51 17.38 17.29 17.19 17.4  17.63
 17.36 17.27 17.19 17.45 17.39 17.48 17.24 17.31 17.13 17.22 17.24 17.42
 17.1  17.5  17.38 17.24 17.42 17.32 17.27 17.35 17.29 17.49 17.4  17.18
 17.18 17.28 17.26 17.48 17.38 17.35 17.28 17.25 17.28 17.39 17.25 17.24
 17.08 17.28 17.28 17.36 17.53 17.38 17.34 17.48 17.43 17.49 17.29 17.44
 17.32 17.5  17.11 17.38 17.24 17.2  17.37 17.21 17.19 17.32 17.01 17.48
 17.34 17.35 17.5  17.01 17.44 17.45 17.4  17.38 17.18 17.44 17.22 17.25
 17.28 17.19 17.38 17.34 17.3  17.26 17.37]

You can time-average the data, in this example with equal weighting per integration, and plot it

>>> tpscan.timeaverage(weights=None).plot()
A plot of the time-averaged data