Dysh Documentation

dysh is a Python spectral line data reduction and analysis program for singledish data with specific emphasis on data from the Green Bank Telescope. It is currently under development in collaboration between the Green Bank Observatory and the Laboratory for Millimeter-Wave Astronomy (LMA) at the University of Maryland (UMD). It is intended to be a full replacement for the GBO’s current reduction package GBTIDL.

Getting Started

Module Descriptions and APIs


Indices and tables

Reporting Issues

If you find a bug or something you think is in error, please report it on the github issue tracker. You must have a Github account to submit an issue.


dysh is being developed by a partnership between the Green Bank Observatory and the Laboratory for Millimeter-wave Astronomy at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Dev Team

Marc Pound (UMD)
Victoria Catlett (GBO)
Peter Teuben (UMD)
Pedro Salas (GBO)
Evan Smith (GBO)
Thomas Chamberlain (GBO)