Position-Switched Data


Position-switched observations are those in which the telescope observes a target (the ON position or signal) and another part of the sky, assumed to be devoid of emission (the OFF position or reference).

A GIF showing the GBT nod back and forth in elevation to demonstrate position switching.

While observing this is accomplished using the functions OnOff or OffOn in a scheduling block. For more details about these functions see Sections and of the GBT observer's guide.

A modified version of the scheduling block for the observations used in this example is copied below

# Observing script for NGC 2415

# GBT Observing: TGBT21A_501
# Total power position switch, L-band, VEGAS
# Targets the HI 21 cm line and the four 18 cm OH lines.

# Setup configuration
HI_OH_config ='''
receiver   = 'Rcvr1_2'
obstype    = 'Spectroscopy'
backend    = 'VEGAS'
restfreq   = 1420.4057517,1612.231,1665.4018,1667.3590,1720.5299
nwin       = 5
bandwidth  = 23.44
nchan      = 32768
swmode     = 'tp'
swtype     = 'none'
swper      = 1.0
tint       = 2
vframe     = 'bary'
vdef       = 'Optical'
noisecal   = 'lo'
pol        = 'Linear'

# Setup catalog of calibrators.

# Define catalog of targets.
target_cat = """
NGC2415 07:36:56.66 +35:14:30.55

# Slew to target.

# Start finding pointing and focus corrections.i
# Without argument AutoPeakFocus will try to find
# a suitable pointing calibrator.

# After an Auto procedure it is necessary to reconfigure.

# Slew to the target and adjust the power levels.

# Observe a source of known flux density to find the
# equivalent temperature/flux of the noise diode.
# This will be used to calibrate the flux scale.
OnOff('3C196', Offset('J2000', 0.0, 1.0, cosv=True), 60)

# Observe the target using OnOff for a total of ~10 minutes.
numobs = 1
for i in range(numobs):
        Offset('J2000', 0.4042, 0.263), 300)

Calibrating Position-Switched Data

Single beam position-switched (PS) data is retrieved using getps() which returns a GBTPSScan position-switched scan object that is used to calibrate and average the data. First, import the relevant modules

>>> from dysh.fits.gbtfitsload import GBTFITSLoad
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> import wget

Download the data from GBO

>>> filename = wget.download("http://www.gb.nrao.edu/dysh/example_data/onoff-L/data/TGBT21A_501_11.raw.vegas.fits")
>>> print(filename)


The data used for this tutorial is ~800 MB. Make sure you have enough disk space and bandwidth to download it.

Then load your SDFITS file containing PS data. In this example, we use a GBT SDFITS file downloadable from GBO

>>> sdfits = GBTFITSLoad(filename)

The returned sdfits can be probed for information

>>> sdfits.info()
Filename: TGBT21A_501_11.raw.vegas.fits
No.    Name      Ver    Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
  0  PRIMARY       1 PrimaryHDU      12   ()
    1  SINGLE DISH    1 BinTableHDU    245   6040R x 74C   ['32A', '1D', '22A', '1D', '1D', '1D', '32768E', '16A', '6A', '8A', '1D', '1D', '1D', '4A', '1D', '4A', '1D', '1I', '32A', '32A', '1J', '32A', '16A', '1E', '8A', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '8A', '1D', '1D', '12A', '1I', '1I', '1D', '1D', '1I', '1A', '1I', '1I', '16A', '16A', '1J', '1J', '22A', '1D', '1D', '1I', '1A', '1D', '1E', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1D', '1A', '1A', '8A', '1E', '1E', '16A', '1I', '1I', '1I']

You can also print a concise (or verbose if you choose verbose=True) summary summary() of the data

>>> sdfits.summary()
0    152  NGC2415   3784.0  OnOff        1  1.617185  1.420406    5     2   151      1  286.218008   41.62843
1    153  NGC2415   3784.0  OnOff        2  1.617185  1.420406    5     2   151      1  286.886521  41.118134

Retrieve a scan and its partner ON or OFF, selecting an IF number and polarization, then calibrate it


For each scan in the summary dysh shows the mean of the VELOCITY, RESTFREQ, DOPFREQ, AZIMUTH and ELEVATIO columns, while GBTIDL reports the value of the first integration for a scan. If you use verbose=True in dysh you get all the integrations.

>>> psscan = sdfits.getps(scan=152, ifnum=0, plnum=0)

The system temperature array (numpy.ndarray) is stored in tsys

>>> print(f"T_sys = {psscan[0].tsys.mean():.2f} K")
    T_sys = 17.17 K

Then time average the data, using system temperature weighting (other option is ‘equal’ weighting; ‘tsys’ is the default if no weights parameter is given. (Future upgrades will allow the user to provide a numeric weights array.) The returned object is Spectrum, which has a default matplotlib-based plotter attached

>>> ta = psscan.timeaverage(weights='tsys')
>>> ta.plot()
A frequency versus temperature spectrum plot. The spectrum is noisy and spans 1.390 to 1.415 GHz.

The plot() command allows changing of axis units and also recognizes a number matplolib-like keywords

>>> ta.plot(xaxis_unit="km/s", yaxis_unit="mK", ymin=-100, ymax=500, xmin=3000, xmax=4500)
The spectrum plot zoomed in along both axes to frame a central emission line.

Removing a baseline

Baselines can be removed from Spectrum with the baseline() function. Users provide baseline degree and optionally exclude region in any conformable x-axis unit (e.g., frequency, velocity, channel). The default model is polynomial (Polynomial1D) but a Chebyshev series (Chebyshev1D) is also available. The baseline is removed if remove=True.

>>> kms = u.km/u.s
>>> ta.baseline(degree=2, exclude=[3600*kms,4100*kms], remove=True)
EXCLUDING [Spectral Region, 1 sub-regions:
  (1401242184.363393 Hz, 1403551474.1090915 Hz)
WARNING: The fit may be poorly conditioned
>>> ta.plot(xaxis_unit="km/s", yaxis_unit="mK", ymin=-200, ymax=500, xmin=3000, xmax=4500)
>>> print(ta.baseline_model)
Model: Polynomial1D
Inputs: ('x',)
Outputs: ('y',)
Model set size: 1
Degree: 2
             c0                   c1                    c2
             K                  K / Hz               K / Hz2
    ------------------- --------------------- ----------------------
    0.16984671256725348 6.155580136474429e-29 2.2305011385559243e-56
A plot of a spectrum after its baseline was removed.