
Setting Up Sphinx Autobuilds

Here are the steps to set up Sphinx autobuilds so that you can check your documentation edits live.

  1. First, navigate to your dysh root directory and activate the hatch environment.

$ hatch shell
  1. Next, tell hatch to run the docs. The docs will be published at

(dysh) $ hatch run docs
  1. If you would like the docs to publish at a specific host and port, such as http://thales:9876, then add the appropriate flags:

(dysh) $ hatch run docs --host thales --port 9876
  1. You may now make changes in the dysh/docs/ directory and see the live changes at the appropriate URL in your browser. To close the server, simply CTRL+C.

Docstring Format

All Python functions must contain a docstring which follows the NumPy convention. You can learn more about this convention here:

Mermaid Diagrams

Diagrams can be directly in these text files by using the sphinxcontrib-mermaid package. Here’s an example:

flowchart LR A[Item 1] --> B[Item 2] B --> C[Item 3]

To learn more, see the package documentation. Mermaid also offers an online editor which can be used to design diagrams.