Instructions for Beta Testers

For beta testing we ask that your provide feedback in the form of:

  • Reporting issues. For example, if something does not work or the results are not accurate.

  • Making suggestions. For example, requesting new features.

  • Letting us know what you think.

If you are interested in beta testing dysh, please contact Pedro Salas ( to be added to the beta testers list. Thanks for your interest!

Providing feedback

If you encounter a problem with dysh, would like to request a new feature or enhancement or would like to leave feedback, please do so using GitHub issues. There are some basic instructions of how to do this here. This requires creating a free account on GitHub if you do not have one.

If you prefer not to create a GitHub account, please provide your feedback to the dysh-beta mailing list, or send an email to Additionally, we will provide a form for collecting feedback.

When providing feedback, please provide

  • Python version

  • dysh version

  • operating system

If reporting an issue please also provide

  • the input data (either as a link or a location inside the GBO computing environment)

  • a minimum working example to reproduce the error

  • outputs (for example, error messages or figures)

  • any additional information that might help us reproduce and understand the problem

Example feedback

Here are examples of feedback on GitHub

Installing dysh

Here we provide additional installation steps that include creating a virtual environment to keep dysh isolated from your system Python version. We provide steps for working in one of GBO data reduction hosts (e.g., fourier), and if you’re working outside one of the GBO data reduction hosts.

Create a Python3.11 virtual environment

/users/gbosdd/python/bin/python3.11 -m venv /home/scratch/$USER/dysh-0.2-env

Activate your virtual environment

source /home/scratch/$USER/dysh-0.2-env/bin/activate

Install dysh and Jupyter Lab

pip install jupyterlab dysh==0.2.0b

Create a Python3.9+ virtual environment

python3 -m venv /path/to/venv

Activate your virtual environment

source /path/to/venv/bin/activate

Install dysh and Jupyter Lab

pip install jupyterlab dysh==0.2.0b

In the future we will provide dysh executables at GBO.