SDFITS Loaders


Although the initial design will be for GBT data, a goal is for dysh to be easily modifiable for any single-dish radio telescope. Thus came the idea of an SDFITS loader which would standardize inputs.


Here’s the class diagram for an ScanBlock and its derived classes.

classDiagram class ScanBlock{ metadata spectra summary() calibrate() baseline() timeaverage() polaverage() finalspectrum() undo() } class PSScan{ metadata spectra } class FSScan{ metadata spectra fold() } class SubBeamNodScan{ metadata spectra } class OTFScan{ metadata spectra } ScanBlock <|-- PSScan ScanBlock <|-- FSScan ScanBlock <|-- NodScan ScanBlock <|-- OTFScan

That’s probably not super accurate. I just copied the diagram in the stakeholder presentation from last May.


classDiagram class SDFITSLoad{ _filename _bintable _index _binheader _data _hdu _header __len__() __repr__() _bintable_from_rows() _loadlists() _summary() info() bintable() binheader() filename() index() reset() create_index() load() fix_meta() velocity_convention() udata() ushow() naxis() nintegrations() rawspectra() rawspectrum() getrow() getspec() nrows() nchan() npol() sources() scans() summary() write() }


classDiagram class SDFITSLoad{ method() } class GBTFITSLoad{ method() } SDFITSLoad <|-- GBTFITSLoad